And I don't mean Jelly roll! Anyway, since I've last posted, the
scraproom/office is now painted and the furniture back in place. I have
been slowly but surely going through stuff and putting back into the
room what I want to keep and use, and putting all the rest in a huge,
plastic bin for selling and giving away. Whew! What a job, but I don't
want to clutter up my room again and now that it's looking pretty, I've
been inspired to scrap more! So, here are some of my most recent
On this one, I used some stationary from the hotel and also some stamps from Mexico
This one is a lift from the DT at Studio Calico. Love their kits!
Hopefully, I will have photos of my new scraproom office to show you soon! It's a slow process going through it all and deciding if it should stay or go. :-)xoxoxo, Glynda