
Thursday, November 29, 2007

better photos.

Here are some better pics of Christmas decor at my house. I taught Libby to pose for pictures for treats early on in her puppy-hood. She'll do anything for a treat.... Hee hee.

I didn't quite get the Christmas album finished for eBay today, so I'm hoping for Saturday since I have to work tomorrow. I'll try and get a sneak peek up soon. Bye for now!


Shawn said...

Merry Christmas, Glynda!

I am a little behind in checking on my favorite reads so I just saw this post tonight. And I have to ask...what kind of dog do you's so cute!!!

glynda roffmann said...

Hi Shawn! Libby is an Australian Shepherd. They come in several colors but she is what's called a "Tri" because she is only 3 colors. They have wonderful temperaments and even her vet says she's one in a million. :-) Have a Merry Chrismtas!!!