
Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to add Text to your Photos

So, I've learned a new trick and thought you might like to know how to do this as well. It is super easy and I used a free program, Picasa. I love this because I can use a photo for my title in my scrapbook album!

Let's get started. First, choose your photo...

I chose this beach-y one for my Cebu trip. See the tabs on the top left? You want the tab with the wrench (Commonly needed fixes).

Next, choose the button that has the ABC on it (Add/Edit text on a photo).

 Once you click that button, you can type on your photo.

 A text box will appear once you start typing. Don't panic, it will disappear once you are finished.

 After you type the text you want, drag the box to the location on the photo you would like the text to appear.

With the options on the left, you can change your font, font color, font size...

When you have it the way you would like it, click "Apply" and the text box disappears.

 As a habit, I typically save this as a copy so I still have the original, wordless photo. To do this, go to File, Save a Copy.

Now, when you get your photos printed, this will be one less title you will have to create when scrapbooking! If you have any questions, please let me know; I'm happy to help! 


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