
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hong Kong life & more Project Life pages

In case you are wondering where I've been, we have moved to Hong Kong. It was a whirlwind getting here, but we are settled in our little apartment and really enjoying all that Hong Kong has to offer. Hiking a lot, new food, new culture... I have lots of pictures and hardly know where to begin! But, I will share some scrapbook layouts and a few pics of HK. :-)

Okay, now some pics around HK for your viewing pleasure.

View from the rooftop of the hotel we stayed at when we first arrived.

Area of HK called Discovery Bay where we ended up settling and calling home. This is the pier where the restaurants are.

More pics coming soon!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

More Project Life pages - Florida

The next trip we took in 2014 was the second trip we took in our new 5th wheel to Florida.  It was a last-minute trip and we got a great campsite too! I will post all of my layouts from this Florida trip...

Hope you're having a great week! Next up, Hot Springs and then Yellowstone! Whoo hoo! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

More Hawaii Project Life pages

Happy Saturday!
Okay, here are a few more pages from my 2014 album... Enjoy!

Hope you're having  great weekend! 
xoxo, Glynda

Friday, September 4, 2015

Long time...

I know, I'm a bad blogger! But, I've had life stuff going on... Really!
Okay, last I updated you, we were traveling around California in our 5th wheel. Well, hubby got his dream job in May and we are heading to Hong Kong for 2 years in about a month. That's the short version. Soo... I can only take a few scrapbooking necessities with me. I'm trying to get 2014 album completed because it is staying behind in storage. So, I have taken photos of all of the layouts so far. I will post a few each week for your viewing pleasure. :-)

Okay, that's enough for tonight. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
xoxo, Glynda

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Project Life, Scrapbooking, and Photo organizing

Hello there! 

Well, as promised, I have been working on this post about how I organize my scrapbooking, photos and project life. I have a 12x12 album for each year and mix it up with the pages inside. I use project life, 8.5"x11" and 12x12 pages. 

1.) When I download photos to my computer, I use Picasa for organizing and doing a quick edit (lighten, crop…) My photos are organized in Pictures, then the folder inside will be named the date first and then by description (like the place Yellowstone, San Diego, etc.) So, it will be “2015-02-14 Valentines day”. Usually, I can’t wait to see what the photos look like, so I download pics the day after I take them or in the evening while we’re watching tv. I also periodically (about once a month) plug my phone into my computer and put the photos I took with my phone in the appropriate dated folders too.

2.) Next, every few months, I upload and order my prints from Snapfish. I usually wait until I have a coupon from them. I only order the good photos and pick and choose what I want printed out. I only get 4x6, matte finish photos. I print special sizes (panoramas taken with our smartphones or smaller pictures) at home. I don’t do much of this since ink is expensive.

3.) Then, once I get my photos in the mail, I put them in the sheet protectors in my album. Typically, I purchase a variety pack of the project life pages. I very seldom print photos for the little slots (2x3) on the project life pages. I just choose ones that I can crop down and save the extra slots for journaling. I'm pretty quick at getting them in the album when I do this. I don't overthink it too much. I know I can change it a little here or there when I get ready to scrap any particular layout. I also use post-its and write the dates of an event and stick it to the sheet protectors. I can make extra notes on these too, while it’s still fresh in my mind.   

4.) If I know I have a particular paper, project life card, or embellishment to use with a layout or photo, I also put that in the album with the photo. Even if I have to use a 12x12 sheet protector just to hold those things where they belong. This helps a lot and I can skip around. As I think of supplies I have or come across something I know I want to use on a layout, I can add it as I think of it. This saves a ton of time when it comes time to scrapbook. Also, when I get new supplies, I flip through my album and see what will work well where. 
Completed page:
5.) I have my project life cards sorted by color. Since I scrapbook and am inspired by color, this works best for me. My patterned paper and embellishments are also organized by color. I do have a couple of baskets with "themed" items such as travel and Christmas, but that's about it. I just think project life layouts look more cohesive when they have the same couple of colors. 

So, that is the system that works for me! I hope it helps you! If you have any questions or suggestions on how you do it, please let me know! 
Have a great weekend! xoxo, Glynda

Saturday, January 24, 2015

2014 Title page and Baby Blues

I'm enjoying some temps in the 80's here in San Diego! I'm determined to NOT turn on the AC! LOL! The breeze feels nice.

I finally got inspired to create my title page for my 2014 album, and I really like the way it turned out. I still am in February scrapbooking Hawaii, however, so don't get too excited. Then, there are the hundreds of photos that I took in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons this fall. I do have a pretty good organized system worked out though. I will share soon because I have to take photos. A blog post without photos is not a blog post at all, right?!

Okay, here's my 2014 title page:

And here is what I've made for Etsy... "Can't Resist Those Baby Blues"

 Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
xoxo, Glynda